- RPL Kit-BSBWHS411 Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs-65%$140.00$400.00
- RPL Kit-TLIM0020 Develop low risk motorcycle riding behaviour in others
- RPL Kit-TLILIC0004 Licence to operate an order picking forklift truck
- RPL Kit-TLIH0005 Interpret road maps and navigate predetermined routes
- RPL Kit-TLID3011 Conduct specialised forklift operations
- RPL Kit-TLIB2001 Check and assess operational capabilities
- RPL Kit-SITHGAM026 Analyse and report on gaming machine data
- RPL Kit-SITHACS015 Conduct night audit
- RPL Kit-SIRCIND001 Work effectively in a community pharmacy
- RPL Kit-RIISRM301E Blend stock pile materials
- RPL Kit-RIIMPO306D Operate plant/machinery on live stockpiles
- RPL Kit-RIICWM503E Prepare civil works cost estimates
- RPL Kit-RIICSG401E Supervise civil concrete structure construction
- RPL Kit-RIICRC403E Supervise the stabilisation of materials
- RPL Kit-RIICRC401E Supervise flexible pavement construction
- RPL Kit-PUAFIR518 Conduct and record Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment
- RPL Kit-PUAFIR302 Suppress urban fire
- RPL Kit-PSPMGT010 Review and improve business performance
- RPL Kit-MSMWHS216 Operate breathing apparatus
- RPL Kit-MSMPER202 Observe permit work
- RPL Kit-MSMPER200 Work in accordance with an issued permit
- RPL Kit-MSFFP2018 Source and review information about furnishing product materials
- RPL Kit-MEM50002 Work safely on marine craft
- RPL Kit-MEM30033 Use computer-aided design (CAD) to create and display 3D models
- RPL Kit-MEM18012 Perform installation and removal of mechanical seals
- RPL Kit-MEM18011 Shut down and isolate machines/equipment
- RPL Kit-MEM18007 Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission assemblies
- RPL Kit-MEM18004 Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment
- RPL Kit-MEM13001 Perform emergency first aid
- RPL Kit-MEM10006 Install machine/plant
- RPL Kit-MEM07008 Perform grinding operations
- RPL Kit-FBPFSY4003 Perform an allergen risk review
- RPL Kit-CPPREP4232 Manage commercial property financial reports
- RPL Kit-CPPHES4007 Assess thermal performance of existing residential buildings
- RPL Kit-CPPHES4005 Assess household energy use and efficiency improvements
- RPL Kit-CPCCSP2001 Handle Solid Plastering Materials
- RPL Kit-CPCCBS6118 Assess and advise on performance – based solutions for Class 1 and 10 buildings to 3 storeys
- RPL Kit-CPCCBS6117 Monitor and advise on construction and compliance upgrade work on buildings to three storeys
- RPL Kit-CPCCBS6113 Conduct and report on initial construction inspections of Class 2 to 9 buildings to 3 storeys
- RPL Kit-AURRTE106 Diagnose and repair marine outboard engines
- RPL Kit-AURRTD101 Diagnose and repair marine steering systems
- RPL Kit-AURHTQ102 Diagnose and repair heavy commercial vehicle final drive assemblies
- RPL Kit-AURETR236 Diagnose and repair electronically controlled suspension systems
- RPL Kit-AURETB101 Diagnose and repair electric braking systems
- RPL Kit-AHCBUS514 Negotiate and monitor contracts
- RPL Kit-AHCBUS513 Market products and services
- RPL Kit-AHCBUS409 Participate in an e-business supply chain
- RPL Kit-CPCCON3035 Determine concrete supply requirements-65%$140.00$400.00
- RPL Kit-CPCCBC4012 Read and interpret plans and specifications-65%$140.00$400.00
- RPL Kit-BSBHRM527 Coordinate human resource functions and processes-65%$140.00$400.00
Showing 5683 results for "RPL Kit"
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