Unpacking ASQA audit reports and files (Part 1)

Unpacking ASQA audit reports and files (Part 1)

Let's look into what is actually going on in the audits and ASQA practices. We are referring here a number of examples from the audits conducted and the matters discussed in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal by the Australian Skills Quality Authority.

1. ASQA Auditor considering online documents on a Google drive as “Student Portal” and “Learning Management System”, and using these links to pass on their professional judgement:

2. How can a trainer/assessor who has been deemed 100% compliant in an audit of one RTO become non-compliant in the same week for another RTO?

3. Auditors trying to change the “spiky profile” developed under Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) guidelines during the audit:

4. ASQA auditors making a training organisation non-compliant on marketing standards because they did not use “currency” when they were using the most current AQF code and AQF title for all qualifications.

5. Auditors trying to add their preferences, choices and expectations completely outside the regulatory framework and guidelines in an audit:

6. How something not provided to the auditors can be reviewed on the same evening?

7. Finding non-compliance in the areas actually not non-compliant:

8. Auditors asking something not part of any legislative or regulatory framework or guidelines:

9. Refusing application of an RTO because ASQA could not identify a trainer exists or not within the organisation:

10. “Conflict of interest” anyone?

The auditors and officers involved in making all these decisions are still part of the Australian Skills Quality Authority. Why did no one question the competence of these officers? Have they been provided with any professional development or much needed training?

Why is so much money wasted fighting these kinds of matters in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal?

A number of critical questions coming from these kinds of audit reports are as follows:

  1. How is the VET Regulator is currently encouraging or promoting confidence in their practices, ethics and values?

  2. What kind of regulatory auditing is going on at present?

Please note: The names and other relevant information has been blacked-out to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals.

What has been your experience with the current regulators and legislative guidelines and instruments? Share your views with us via email info@caqa.com.au.

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