The VET Sector News (August 2022)
Leadership and personal finance are the focus of TROY’s two free online classes this summer
Whether you’re interested in building valuable leadership skills to propel your career or are interested in learning principles to protect and grow your wealth, Troy University is ready to help those who want to make a commitment to their future by offering two free courses this summer.
TROY’s online courses have been ranked among the country’s best by U.S. News and World Report. The University is known for emphasizing the importance of developing strong leaders and its leadership program is one of the best in the nation. Beginning July 11, TROY will offer a free online, four-week course entitled an Introduction to Leadership. This course presents a rare opportunity for participants to learn how to lead from a global perspective while incorporating self-evaluation in order to gain a better understanding of how to lead effectively.
“We believe that universities are responsible for building the leaders of tomorrow and that is a commitment we do not take lightly,” said Dr. Jack Hawkins, Jr., Chancellor. “Our mission is to develop leaders who are well equipped to meet the challenges of today’s world. These two free courses are an excellent introduction to all we offer at Troy University while giving participants the chance to learn valuable life skills.”
New for 2022, TROY is offering a free personal finance course entitled Your Life, Your Success — Money Management and Financial Wellness which is designed to give students an overview of financial principles that will help them succeed. Students will learn about budgeting, filing taxes, different types of loans and insurance products, and an overview of investment options. This course will be offered in two tracks beginning July 11; one for a general audience and one for young adults.
The courses are open to anyone and do not require enrollment in TROY to participate. Participants who enroll at Troy University can earn three credit hours for each course as a general elective or minor course. The courses run for four weeks and end on Aug. 8. To earn academic credit, students must pass a challenge exam at the end of the courses. Current TROY students who participate must have less than 15 hours of university credit to receive academic credit for passing the challenge exam. Register at: troy.edu/freeclass.
For more information, please visit here.
World skills competition promotes vocational education exchange
The first World Vocational College Skills Competition has kicked off in China's Tianjin Municipality and Jiangxi Province.
At the Jiangxi division, 125 contestants of 36 teams from 28 countries will participate in two competitions: information security management and evaluation, and virtual reality design and production.
"The competition provides us with a platform to show our ability and an opportunity to learn from and communicate with others. I hope it can prove my value and find my shortcomings," said Azam John, a student from Tajikistan studying at Shenzhen Polytechnic in south China.
Themed "Skilled Youth, Shining Future," the first World Vocational College Skills Competition will take place between Monday and Saturday. The competition in Tianjin and Jiangxi opened on Monday and Wednesday, respectively.
For more information, please visit here.
More Pakistani vocational institutes to partner with Chinese counterparts: HEC Chairman
"The Higher Education Commission (HEC) is formulating and improving the policy for dual degree programs in Pakistan. I look forward to the first China-Pakistan dual degree program officially approved by HEC which will be launched at Karakoram International University”, said Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman of Pakistan’s HEC in a meeting with a delegation from Tang International Education Group led by Director & Executive President Max Ma.
For more information, please visit here.
How to optimise the private sector’s engagement in TVET
The role of the private sector is crucial in the creation of a demand-driven Technical and Vocational Education and Training, or TVET, system that contributes towards the achievement of national goals.
A system that aims at quality skills development through a combination of classroom-based training and practical experience in the workplace demands greater cooperation with the private sector as such an arrangement could yield a multitude of benefits.
Quality TVET, obtained through enhanced collaboration with the private sector, not only helps trainees to acquire the necessary skills, but can also lower the likelihood of mismatching qualifications with labour-market demands.
Various studies indicate that the practical experience TVET trainees get at companies supports the transition to the labour market and offers them the opportunity to have better access to jobs.
Practice-oriented training is also believed to be motivational in providing a more beneficial working environment and creating a positive attitude toward practical training.
Engaging the private sector in training partnerships is, thus, not only an important undertaking in its own right, but also has strategic importance in improving the relevance, working modalities and contributions of the TVET system.
For more information, please visit here.
Who is vocational education training for? Data shows over 84% Indian didn’t get any
Vocational and technical training has been the central pillar of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious skill building mission since 2015. It is also the feature that will drive India’s Atma Nirbhar Bharat push. But data reveals that despite the government’s high-priority, the uptake for vocational and technical training has been surprisingly low. It is no wonder that many commentators are saying this has been languishing in neglect and needs to be infused with some ‘gati shakti‘. In 2020-21, over 84 percent of Indians between 12-59 age group did not receive vocational and technical training.
If fewer people are receiving VTT (vocational and technical training), then this calls for a greater awareness campaign, like other flagship programmes such as Swachh Bharat. With a Covid-battered economy, India can’t afford to go slow on a programme that has tremendous potential to catapult both the manufacturing and services sector.
For more information, please visit here.