Report on Government Services 2020

Report on Government Services 2020

The Australian, State and Territory governments’ recurrent expenditure (including user cost of capital) on VET totalled $6.0 billion in 2018 — a real decrease of 4.0 per cent from 2017. Nationally in 2018: an estimated 4.1 million students participated in total VET, and around 1.1 million students participated in government‑funded VET there were 3830 registered VET training organisations delivering nationally recognised training in Australia. Around 1747 government funded VET providers delivered nationally recognised, locally developed and non-nationally recognised training, at 30 485 locations in Australia around 722 200 qualifications were completed by total VET students aged 15—64 years — equivalent to 44.1 qualifications per 1000 people. Around 346 800 qualifications were completed by government-funded VET students aged 15—64 years — equivalent to 21.2 qualifications per 1000 people. Nationally in 2019: 88.6 per cent of all government-funded 2018 VET graduates were satisfied with the overall quality of their training 67.0 percent of 20—64 year old total VET graduates from 2018 improved their employment status after training. The VET system aims to deliver a productive and highly skilled workforce through enabling all working age Australians to develop and use the skills required to effectively participate in the labour market and contribute to Australia’s economic future. To achieve this, the Australian, State and Territory governments aim to create a national training system that: is accessible to all working age Australians meets the needs of students, employers and industries is high quality. Governments aim for a national training system that meets these objectives in an equitable and efficient manner. For more Information, please visit here.

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