- Frequent announcements: It may seem obvious, but giving students with a regular announcement about what is occuring in the topic (and the world) – aim to do so regularly – helps them feel more connected and a sense of belonging.
- Prepare a brief weekly video announcement, such as the following: Explain the week's goals and objectives, how this ties to past learning and subject outcomes, and any advise you have for students on assessment progress (for example, "By this time, you should have finished your peer feedback").
- Establish online discussions in your learning management system (LMS) and ensure that you participate in them. This is similar to what you would do in a traditional classroom setting. Encouragement, adjusting assumptions, and remembering to mention and emphasise accomplishment are all important!
- Establish "Virtual Office Hours," during which students are aware that you are available to reply to questions via email or discussion board.
- Set explicit expectations for how you want students to behave and engage with one another early on in your subject's development. Also crucial is to demonstrate these behaviours and interactions yourself, such as being concise, being respectful, and fostering friendly discourse.
- You can use discussion boards to address subject-specific issues and also for more informal discussions such as introductory or general discussions.
- Bring about conversation by using direct questions, conflicts, cases, situations, and concerns or problems that are relevant to the subject matter.
- Make sure to participate in the discussion on a frequent basis and to acknowledge students when they make good remarks, give links to resources, or assist other students in the topic.
- Useful aspects that are found in other elements of your subject, such as in your digital lectures, announcements, or online tutorials, should be mentioned explicitly in your digital lectures.
- Allocate a minor percentage of the overall grade for participation in discussion forums.
CAQA Digital Through our partner initiatives Online Media Solutions (OMS) and CAQA Digital, we can assist you with your e-learning requirements. Contact us at info@caqa.com.au for more information.