Message from the CEO (22 May 2022)

Message from the CEO (22 May 2022)

Message from the CEO
As we usually say, change is the one thing that is consistent in the VET sector, and this month is no exception. The national regulatory body is going through a number of fundamental changes, and this is fantastic news for the Australian VET sector. When compared to a few years ago, the sector is home to a significantly less number of concerns. We are hopeful that this positive development will be maintained and that the industry will continue to work while keeping all students, their future advancement, and careers in mind. This issue features a variety of articles that are relevant to our audience, such as how to become a registered training organisation, how does technology in education based on the fourth industrial revolution differ from earlier approaches, developing interpersonal skills, quality management systems and many more. Please contact us via email if you have a suggestion for a topic you'd like to see covered, news to be shared or if you have any questions, you'd want to be answered. Sukh Sandhu CEO
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