Message from the CEO (12 August 2022)

Message from the CEO (12 August 2022)

Message from the CEO
This issue of the VET Sector is especially significant for us as our mother company Career Calling is celebrating 13 years in business. As a result, our newsletter contains some really awesome articles. The VET Sector is a newsletter and magazine devoted to the training sector, providing information, resources, and articles for everyone involved in Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Among the topics we cover are compliance, resources, and best practices for RTOs. There is a lot of information here that can help RTOs improve their operations and serve their students more effectively. In this edition of The VET Sector, we cover articles related to compliance and resources. These articles cover everything from trainers and marketing to operations, governance, administration, and compliance. What do you think? How can we improve The VET Sector? Please share your thoughts and comments? Sukh Sandhu CEO
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