How to optimise the private sector’s engagement in TVET
The role of the private sector is crucial in the creation of a demand-driven Technical and Vocational Education and Training, or TVET, system that contributes towards the achievement of national goals.
A system that aims at quality skills development through a combination of classroom-based training and practical experience in the workplace demands greater cooperation with the private sector as such an arrangement could yield a multitude of benefits.
Quality TVET, obtained through enhanced collaboration with the private sector, not only helps trainees to acquire the necessary skills, but can also lower the likelihood of mismatching qualifications with labour-market demands.
Various studies indicate that the practical experience TVET trainees get at companies supports the transition to the labour market and offers them the opportunity to have better access to jobs.
Practice-oriented training is also believed to be motivational in providing a more beneficial working environment and creating a positive attitude toward practical training.
Engaging the private sector in training partnerships is, thus, not only an important undertaking in its own right, but also has strategic importance in improving the relevance, working modalities and contributions of the TVET system.
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