- What is the organisation's mission?
- What are the organisation's goals?
- What are the organisation's core values?
- What is the organisation's competitive advantage?
- Who is the organisation's target market?
- What are the organisation's marketing objectives?
- What is the organisation's sales strategy?
- What are the organisation's operational objectives?
- What are the organisation's financial objectives?
- How will the organisation measure success?
- Where are we now?
- Where do we want to be?
- How are we going to get there?
- What is your organisation's purpose? What do you hope to achieve? Be as specific as possible.
- What strategies will we use to achieve our goals?

A strategic plan for your training organisation
A strategic plan is a roadmap for an organisation's journey to success. It sets out the organisation's goals and how it intends to achieve them. A strategic plan is essential for any training organisation that wants to grow and be successful.
Without a strategic plan, a training organisation is likely to flounder. Its goals will be haphazard and it will lack direction. A well-crafted strategic plan gives an organisation focus and clarity and helps it to measure its progress.
There are many different elements that go into a good strategic plan. But at its heart, a strategic plan should answer the following key questions: